We go on auto-pilot with certain clients because their behavior is difficult, ‘a pain in the neck’ – it never changes. Wouldn’t it be easier if all of our clients just fit into our systems as they have been set up? Not showing up for appointments, always late,...
Developing relationship and connecting with others in a non-judgmental way is a major aspect of modern care techniques. In this video, Maureen Squib talks about the transition towards a more client-centered focus to providing care services and why that is so...
Sometimes we encounter clients or cases that are more challenging than others. It is often hard to not take a hard situation personally or to write off a difficult client as a ‘lost cause’. This video features Williams McNabb from the Brock Mission here in...
Return customer? Seeing the same person over and over again? Often the individuals who return most often through the doors of agencies, doctors offices and emergency rooms have many things going on at the same time. Intoxication might be the presenting issue – or an...
In this short video, local expert Donna Rogers explores the importance of showing respect to our clients in order to effect any sort of change. Utilizing compassion in our interactions helps empower and strengthen individuals to better themselves. Also, a high level...