Providing Effective and Compassionate Health Care to People Who Use Drugs

Level One Partner Workshop With Kathy Hardill and Rachel Petty



Wednesday, November 13, 2024 | 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM EST


Hosted via Zoom. Participants will be able to attend online or call in over the phone.

Course Description

In this workshop, attendees will:

1. Learn the basics of Primary Health Care provision with People Who Use Drugs (PWUD);

  • a. Acute health issues
  • b. Chronic health issues – strategies for continuity of care/follow up care, infectious diseases
  • c. Preventive health care
  • i. Incorporating preventive care and risk based screening
  • ii. Vein health maintenance
  • iii. Access to basic needs (water, bathrooms, food, laundry, showers) as health care intervention
  • d. Supporting care in acute settings
  • i. Strategies to improve care/retention in care in hospital settings

2. Learn about the developmental and neurobiological origins of problematic substance use;

3. Learn about the basic principles and applications of Harm Reduction in health care settings;

4. Gain an understanding of how Trauma-informed Care principles support the provision of compassionate care;

5. Understand the burden of stigma experienced by PWUD seeking health care in Peterborough.


  • Early Bird Ticket for Peterborough-Based Participants: $39.00*
  • Regular Ticket for Peterborough-Based Participants: $49.00*
  • Regular Ticket for Participants Outside of Peterborough: $59.00*

*Plus Eventbrite’s fee.


Who should attend this workshop?
This workshop is designed specifically for helping professionals. We define “helping professional” as anyone in a position of interacting with people in providing a service.

How many people can attend?
Registration for this workshop has been capped at 35 participants.

What is a level one partner workshop?
This refers to a workshop that is being put on by another organization or individual with the support of A Question of Care. It is also being offered at a more basic, 101 level, though it can be beneficial to anyone regardless of their experience.

Will I receive a certificate for attending?
Yes, you will receive a certificate of attendance after participating in the workshop and filling out a post-course evaluation.

Will this session be recorded?
No, this session will not be recorded in order to maintain the privacy of participants, but any relevant slides and handouts will be sent to attendees.

What is your refund policy?
We can offer refunds up to seven days before the workshop. Eventbrite’s fee is nonrefundable. After this period, we can accept substitutions. If we must cancel the workshop, you will receive a full refund. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Who can I contact with further questions?
If you have an accessibility request or any other questions, please contact the QoC Project Lead at or 705-872-2197.

The cost of this workshop has been subsidized through a partnership with the Peterborough Drug Strategy and its members. Additionally, local participants can contact us to apply for a bursary.

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  • Kathy Hardill
  • Rachel Petty

    Rachel Petty is a white, cisgender settler who makes a home with her family on the traditional territory of the Mississauga Anishinaabe in Peterborough/Nogojiwanong. Rachel is a Registered Practical Nurses and BScN student, her intention is to provide care that is rooted in social justice, health equity, and the principles of ‘nothing about us without us’. Rachel’s practice as a nurse is influenced by HIV and Harm Reduction activism.

September 2024
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