Providing Effective and Compassionate Health Care to People Who Use Drugs

Providing Effective and Compassionate Health Care to People Who Use Drugs

Level One Partner Workshop With Kathy Hardill and Rachel Petty

In this workshop, attendees will:

1. Learn the basics of Primary Health Care provision with People Who Use Drugs (PWUD);
     a. Acute health issues
     b. Chronic health issues – strategies for continuity of care/follow up care, infectious diseases
     c. Preventive health care
          i. Incorporating preventive care and risk based screening
          ii. Vein health maintenance
iii. Access to basic needs (water, bathrooms, food, laundry, showers) as health care intervention
d. Supporting care in acute settings
i. Strategies to improve care/retention in care in hospital settings
2. Learn about the developmental and neurobiological origins of problematic substance use;
3. Learn about the basic principles and applications of Harm Reduction in health care settings;
4. Gain an understanding of how Trauma-informed Care principles support the provision of compassionate care;
5. Understand the burden of stigma experienced by PWUD seeking health care in Peterborough.


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